
Ann's Camp Wapameo

Ann Wood's birds are just the sweetest things. I was thrilled to see her hilarious flickr set based on her birds trip to "Camp Wapameo". I have an aversion to camping, I think it comes from my stint at Girl Scout Camp when I was in 3rd grade. I hated every minute and cried for my mom and dad nightly. But this camp looks much better.

I've been contemplating starting a collection of handmade animals that I will, one day, keep on a high shelf away from my future children. I think one of Ann's birds would be a great place to start. See Ann's site here and her Flickr sets here.

1 comment:

Jeanie Nelson said...

Oh my gosh! As if Ann Wood's stuff wasn't already cute enough. The acorn hats are over the top (pardon the pun). I, too, would like to keep a collection of designer "stuffed animals", safe from where my daughter can chew on them. And if my husband and I ever have a second wedding I'm putting some of Ann's birds on top.